"I just don't get it," was my response to reading my first Haruki Murakami, his six-story collection, After the Quake (2002), set in the aftermath of the Kobe Earthquake of 1995. Prior to reading this book--the result of a work-related book club--all I was aware of was that his novel 1Q84 (2013) was quite the sensation and is still on many's "To Read" pile. As such, my expectations for this author were high. I quickly began to readjust my expectations, however, after reading the first story, "UFO in Kushiro" which left me feeling incomplete and confused. Though the lead-in story, I thought it was the weakest of the collection. After the Quake is the kind of book I think I'd appreciate more from conversing about it with others. Unfortunately, I didn't make my book group discussion, so my ambivalence about this collection and Murakami's writing style remains. Marie K. who reviewed this book on Amazon wrote that this stor...
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